
It doesn't work without you! - The registration of volunteers is activated!

We use a digital system to manage volunteers, which is primarily developed and used for congresses organized by the Chaos Computer Club entwickelt wurde. Deshalb wundert euch bitte nicht, dass ihr als Helfer im System als “Engel” bezeichnet werdet. Das System heißt auch ganz offiziell “Angelsystem“.

If you have any questions about the system, please contact us at volunteers@gordonbennett2024.de.

We are delighted that you are supporting us in organizing the Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett 2024!

After you have registered, you can go to https://volunteer.gordonbennett2024.de/user-shifts to check for available shifts and sign up directly depending on the type of shift. As we are still in the planning stage, new shifts will also be published in the coming week.

The launch is scheduled for Friday, September 13. However, in order to continue our planning for necessary postponement of the launch window, the shifts are also available on Saturday and Sunday. If you are able to attend on all days, please register on all days. We will cancel shifts that are not required in advance as soon as we know so that you know that the shift will not take place.
